State of Nevada – A17.3(2020) Code Adoption

The State of Nevada adopted ASME A17.3(2020) in August 2021 and State inspectors have been enforcing these items during alteration inspections since that time. The State recently discussed these requirements with 3rd party inspectors and the need to note these violations during annual inspections. These requirements are retroactive and meant to improve the safety of existing elevators.
The changes commonly impacted by the code revisions include upgrading hoistway construction for fire rating, removal of existing non-elevator related equipment, piping and ducting from machine rooms, and elevator-specific equipment including access to hoistways, door restrictors, and Fireman’s Service Operation. Additionally, the installation of devices for the prevention of unintended motion and monitoring of the electrical contact on the door lock mechanisms is required.
These changes can be expensive and time-consuming – and often require partial or full modernization of the elevator systems for compliance.
Nevada adopted the code automatically, and there is no code-established grace period for compliance. As a result, exemptions or exceptions for compliance will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
A17.3(2020) CODE Requirements
The State of Nevada adopted ASME A17.3(2020) in August 2021 and State inspectors have been enforcing these items during alteration inspections since that time. The State recently discussed these requirements with 3rd party inspectors and the need to note these violations during annual inspections.
The changes commonly impacted by the code revisions include:
- 2.1.1 – Hoistway Construction (Fire rating)
- 2.1.4 – Pipes, Air ducts & wiring (unauthorized equip. in M/R & H/W)
- 2.7.4 – Access to H/W (escutcheon hole, H/W access keyswitch)
- 2.7.5 – Door restrictors required
- – Electric contacts on top emergency exit
- 3.10.12 – Door monitoring required & functional
- 3.10.12 – Ascending car functionality (New)
- 3.10.13 – Unintended motion functionality (New)
- 3.13.1 – Ascending car / Unintended motion required (emergency brake, rope gripper, etc.)
- 3.11.1 – Phase I & Phase II fire service keyed alike – entire building
Pursuant to Nevada administrative code (NAC) 455C.500 the ASME A17.3(2020) applies to all elevators in the State of Nevada. An exemption or an extension to become compliant to these code requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
VDA recommends a review of your equipment in advance of your next annual inspection. After a review of the equipment, a plan can be established for compliance with these code requirements. If extensive modernization is required, it may be considered ‘impractical’ to comply, or an extension may be granted by the Mechanical Compliance Section until a planned modernization can occur. VDA is available to assist you in planning for compliance.
At VDA Las Vegas, we are available to assist in your compliance and inspection needs as well as planning upgrades and modernization of your elevators.