Consistent Elevator Maintenance Is Critical

From the desk of Bruce Barbre– Area Manger – Houston
Consistent Elevator Maintenance Is Critical to Uninterrupted Operation
Consistent elevator maintenance is critical to operation. Elevators require maintenance and testing at regular intervals. Managers and Owners, contract with elevator maintenance firms to perform this work. Elevator companies employ individuals who want to provide you with service. To make sure that that happens, and to ensure that elevators operate reliably and safe, it is the Managers/Owners responsibility to accurately assess the Elevator Maintenance Control Program (MCP). Consistent and thorough maintenance is the key to reliable operation.
Safety is the primary consideration. Consistent elevator maintenance is critical to operation. It also contributes to the reliability and lifespan of the equipment. When an elevator properly maintained typically you experience a minimum number of problems. The life cycle of that equipment will be maximized. Despite Mangers /Owners desire for quality elevator maintenance, this often can be one area in which they don’t have as much experience as they would like. VDA Elevator Consulting can help you and your team with achieving that goal. Our experienced team, located from coast to coast, can help you develop a plan that will provide you with the maintenance, performance, and peace of mind that you desire.
Things to Consider
A starting point for elevator maintenance programs is the safety code that’s enforced. At times national code is modified by local jurisdictions across the country. This is ASME’s Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
Section of the code states that “a written Maintenance Control Program (MCP) shall be in place to maintain the equipment.’ The maintenance program must describe the examinations, maintenance, and tests of equipment, required at scheduled intervals. These activities are to be based on equipment age, condition, and accumulated wear, among other factors.
While the code requires a written maintenance program, some contractors keep the documents at their own offices. Consistent elevator maintenance is critical to uninterrupted operation but often, that can make it difficult for the facility manager to review and access the information, such as checklists showing which tasks that the contractor has completed on each visit.
Minimize Risk
To minimize risk the Maintenance Agreement between the Building Owner and Elevator Contractor should require that the maintenance and repair records remain in the elevator machine room. Another convenient location within that specific facility is acceptable. As an extra precaution, the building owner should keep its own records as well.
If you need assistance on deciding what (MCP) is right for your building, please do not hesitate to call. VDA Elevator Consulting has over 3,000 Years of Combined Elevator Industry knowledge accumulated from our team of 130 + Elevator Professionals. When you think of Elevators, think of VDA Elevator Consulting. We will be glad to assist you and your team design the perfect elevator Maintenance Program for your project.