Shutting Down Your Elevator Requires Planning and Coordination

VDA Elevator Knowledge Center
From the desk of: Dana Rice – Midwest Region
Do you know that…
Removing Elevators from building power and shutting them down temporarily requires planning and coordination.
• Confirm that you are authorized to shut down your equipment with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
• Elevators that are used for ADA compliance and medical emergencies should not be turned off.
• All floors that are served by an elevator must have at least one (1) elevator servicing that floor operational.
• Notify building personnel of any elevator shutdowns, including alternate access routes to the main egress levels.
• Be 100% certain that the elevators are empty at the time they are removed from service.
• Keep Elevator Communication Device inside cab operational at all times.
• Remove Elevator from service per the Original Manufacturers/Service Companies recommendations.
• Memory software and battery backup must be protected. Alternating equipment usage regularly is recommended.
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