Inspection Services

Helping clients manage the safety and compliance of their vertical transportation


Performing over 110,000 inspections annually across the US

VDA, and its family of inspection companies, is the nation’s leading inspection and Certificate Compliance Management (CCM) services provider, performing over 110,000 inspections annually across the US. Our licensed inspectors span the country, providing third-party witnessing and other inspection services.

Our dedicated CCM team is well-versed in local and state code requirements in every jurisdiction, providing seamless and effective process from start to finish.


Gives the client peace of mind as it relates to code-mandated compliance and overall safety of vertical transportation.


Allows the client to fulfill regular code compliance protocol while ensuring safety to end users and reducing potential AHJ penalties.

Services We Provide
Inspection services
Certificate Compliance Management (CCM) Services

In addition to proactively managing and coordinating inspections, VDA’s CCM Services include:

  • Overseeing AHJ certificates are current and in compliance.
  • Tracking open violations from inspection deficiencies and following up with all stakeholders to ensure correction in a timely manner.
  • Completing and submitting all AHJ-required forms to receive the certificate.
  • Paying any AHJ fees that allow the release of the renewed certificate from the AHJ to the property.

VDA’s proprietary software – SierraLive – allows us to track inspection due dates, coordinate scheduling with relevant parties, submit inspection paperwork directly with the AHJ, and track violations through resolution.

Jurisdictional Inspection - Witnessed

This type of inspection requires coordination between the elevator contractor and third-party inspection company (VDA). VDA proactively schedules and coordinates the inspection with our client and the elevator contractor. The elevator contractor performs the mandated testing, and a VDA QEI-certified consultant “witnesses” the test being completed (where applicable). VDA reports the findings to the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Mandated testing requirements are determined by local code and include, but are not limited to, Category 1 (annual) No-Load Tests, Category 3 (every third year) Tests, Category 5 (every 5th year) Full-Load Tests, and Annual Escalator Skirt Index Tests.

Jurisdictional Inspection - Non-Witnessed

“Non-witnessed” inspections are similar to those that are “witnessed” but don’t require testing to be done by the elevator company at time of review. These inspections typically require a “verification” of code compliance, not an actual test. The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) dictates verification metrics, including, but not limited to, the review of mandated documentation required onsite, code required tags, testing of elevator communication systems, testing of emergency lighting within the elevator, and whatever else is deemed code applicable. The frequency of the testing varies, depnding on the local AHJ requirements.

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