Design Services

Creative design that is safe, efficient and aligned to meet the needs of the building and its occupants

Design Services Overview

Ensuring a quality and code compliant installation

VDA understands every construction project is unique and requires a customized consulting approach. VDA will customize a fee proposal based on the status of the project and services required. Our services cover all major phases of a design project from Master Planning and Conceptual Design through Construction Site Visits and turnover of equipment to ownership. From start to finish VDA will support the design team by analyzing the VT needs, proposing recommended systems, providing system drawings and specifications, identifying associated work by other trades, issuing a bid package for solicitation of proposals, assisting in leveling of contractor proposals, recommendation of contract reward, review of shop drawings and conducting site visits to ensure a quality and code compliant installation.


Customized consulting design solution for any new and/or existing building requiring vertical transportation.


Ensures the best interest of the developer, owner, and architect with optimal design, cost-effectiveness, and long-term sustainability of the vertical transportation equipment.

Services We Provide
Design Services
Conceptual Design

VDA will gather information that will be the foundation for the design phases to follow. The main goal during this phase is to learn everything possible about the intent of the project. Space utilization and traffic flow through the building are examples of critical features that VDA will evaluate during this phase. This information is then organized into a document providing specific qualities and unique features of all vertical transportation system options that could meet the traffic flow requirements of the project. Preliminary building core sizes and equipment budgets are typically provided during this phase. When existing conditions must be taken into account, surveys are conducted to understand specific constraints that can impact the type and size of vertical transportation allowed to meet national and local code requirements. VDA will collaborate with the client’s design team to understand functionality and budget constraints to ensure all parties are aligned.

Schematic Design

Schematic Design takes the project from concept into actual design. VDA’s Computer-Aided Design (CAD) department reviews the latest building design and provides drawings of the potential vertical transportation system using generic dimensions. This phase also ensures the least amount of redesign after the elevator/escalator contractor has been selected. VDA helps the client navigate through product size variations to eliminate potential cost change orders later in the project. Along with detailed drawings, VDA provides the client with an outline specification of all the equipment associated with this project that can then be used by the internal design team and the construction manager for budgetary purposes.

Traffic Analysis

A theoretical traffic analysis can be completed on its own merit or included as part of the Conceptual or Schematic Design Phases. VDA will review the project design and then prepare a list of assumptions that will be used to run the calculations prior to the analysis. These assumptions (floor populations, equipment demand types, people traffic patterns, elevator/escalator bank utilization, building entry percentages, back of house needs) will be reviewed and agreed upon with the client prior to running the calculations. VDA provides the client with a report that includes theoretical results based on the agreed-upon assumptions. The results in the analysis are compared to the industry-accepted performance standards for vertical transportation based on building type. The traffic analysis includes a summary of the design criteria, findings of the analysis, and the proposed vertical transportation systems and equipment recommendations.

Design Development

This phase defines and develops the important features of vertical transportation systems and produces an advanced set of drawings. The updated drawings include:

  • Main and auxiliary electrical power requirements for each unit, as well as Btu information to allow the HVAC design team to properly size and design systems
  • Structural load data that the design team will use to properly design elevator machine room floors, elevator hoistways and escalator pockets.

The outline specification is updated at this stage to include any design changes or additional information deemed appropriate. VDA also provides the client’s design team with power data and traditional “work by others” information to make sure all related work has been addressed in the building design.

Construction Documents/Specification

VDA consultants work with the entire design team to make sure the final design meets all code. Our nationwide footprint provides us with vast experience in every major jurisdiction, so we are well informed on local code requirements and adoption of new codes. VDA prepares final construction specifications that include performance-based warranty/maintenance language so the client can feel confident that proper maintenance is being performed after the new equipment is turned over for passenger use.

RFP Issuance

VDA works closely with the design team and the construction manager/general contractor to develop a clear, concise RFP document. The bid package is written to ensure the scope is well-defined and will eliminate redundancy, thereby reducing the number of “requests for information” by the elevator contractors.

Bid Analysis

As bids are returned, VDA assists in the proposal review and issues a concise scope analysis to the client, which addresses all clarifications and flags potential design impacts to the overall project. At the client’s request, VDA will attend (virtual or in-person) post-bid scope review meeting(s) with elevator contractors, construction managers and/or general contractors, architects and ownership to aid the vetting process.

Shop Drawing Review & Approvals

VDA reviews the submittal drawings for compliance with the project specifications and applicable codes. VDA ensures that the design team is aware of all related “work by others” and we coordinate with the construction manager and/or general contractor to avoid/reduce the number of change order requests during construction. VDA reviews and approves/disapproves all substitutions and “or equal” products, equipment, and material submissions.

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