Important Message to our Georgia Clients

Georgia has adopted ASME A17.3-2017 Elevator Safety Code for existing elevators and escalators. As part of this code, Section 3.10 requires all elevators to have a Door Lock Monitoring system. All existing elevators in Georgia are required to meet this requirement by January 1, 2025. See the notice below.
There is an alternative to the deadline of January 1, 2025. If you have an alteration permit taken out by a company with a valid Certificate of Authority and issued by the Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Safety Inspections by September 1, 2024, you will have a new compliance date of January 1, 2026. VDA can independently identify whether your elevators have the necessary components or whether an upgrade or modernization is needed in order to meet the new code. This proactive and pragmatic approach will allow you to intelligently prepare and remain compliant while VDA’s technical expertise leads the way through the process. Please contact us today to talk with one of our professionals.