2020 ASHE Annual Virtual Conference October 5-7, 2020

You Can’t Stop Progress… Even During a Pandemic!
VDA will be participating in the 2020 ASHE Annual Virtual Conference October 5-7, 2020. Please join in and meet with our VDA Consultants Kevin Cunningham and Joe Leist. They will be available to discuss all of your elevator needs during this Virtual Conference. While they would prefer to meet with you face to face, in person, they will be available during the ASHE 2020 conference to discuss your topics virtually, via webcast. No matter whether its Maintenance, Modernization, Quality Control, or System Design, Kevin and Joe will get you the answers that you need. Please stop by at your convenience. Just give us a click, and let’s discuss how VDA can help make your elevator concerns go away.
To find out more and register for the conference, please click here!